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Making new friends

It can be hard walking into a room of 80+ people for the first time. Three years ago, we wanted to make meetings seem a little less daunting by having a New Members Evening – an opportunity for ladies who have just joined the group to meet others in a smaller, less intimidating room. Our meetings are anything but formal, but there does seem something a little bit more relaxing about meeting in a nice pub with a glass of wine.

Our third New Members Evening took place in the University Arms and we had a good turnout of approximately thirty ladies ready to chat. We’d prepared an ice-breaker to get people started that was totally non-compulsory. The idea was to find a person who had the characteristics on the bingo grid.

SHWI Bingo photo from our Instagram profile @sevenhillswi

Some of our committee members were present to answer any questions and a few organisers of our popular spin-offs to encourage new members to join our craft, book and running groups. We hope the women who came had a good time and will hopefully find someone to sit with and catch-up with at the next main meeting.

If you’re a new member, we’d love to hear your feedback from the event or if you’re from another WI, tell us how you make newbies feel welcome.

Finally, a big thank you for committee members Anna P and Jen for organising the event. 

Kirsty SHWI President

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