It was Seven Hills WI’s 2nd birthday this week and what a party we had to celebrate!
Before the party, there was a flurry of activity making sure all boxes were ticked and the meeting ran like clockwork. Adorning the room was our exquisitely embellished new bunting, courtesy of our talented members and of course Kim, who stitched it all together. Prizes were bought and wrapped; numerous times in the case of pass the parcel. Lindsay made sure that our magician BenZ would appear on the night and, thanks to our wonderful bakers, the room wafted with the aroma of homemade goodies.
As we gorged ourselves on cake and even delicious bread, the meeting got underway. Magician BenZ wowed us (and tried to woo us a little, too) with his sleight of hand. Then, it all got a little silly as 80 grown women sat down to play pass the parcel. Who knew it could be so difficult to remember to pass to your right? And still, nothing could have prepared us for the carnage of musical chairs. Children, step back. Your sisters, mums and nans will show you how it’s done.Special mention goes to Wendy and Julie who nearly did themselves an injury in battling it out to the end.
Finally, thanks to everyone who came along and helped make it an enjoyable evening.
Love Jen x
On behalf of the SHWI Committee

We also had a visit this month from Aletheia Gentle from Sheffield Rape and Sexual Abuse Counselling Service who came to collect the £200 donation Seven Hills WI made to the charity. This money came from the profit we made at our stall at this year’s Sheffield Food Festival. Left: Lindsay, Vicky, Aletheia and Kim.