SHWI members Blanche and Kim judge the entries at last year’s Sheffield Food Festival Best in Show competition
As many of you will remember, we held a stall at Sheffield Food Festival last year and ran the Best in Show competition. Our stall, selling homemade afternoon teas, and the competition was a huge success and we have been asked back to do it all again this year, hurrah!
We’re doing things a little differently for 2012 and will be holding a traditional cake stall on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 September, from 10am until around 6pm (or until the cake runs out!) on both days. There will be a delightful assortment of cakes made by our wonderful members and a raffle on each day to win a whole cake made by one of our star bakers!
Our Best in Show competition will also be running once again, this time with two categories – Victoria Sponge and Jams/Chutneys. It costs £1 per entry, and all proceeds, along with all proceeds from our cake stall, will be going to our nominated charity Haven House, which provides temporary accommodation for women and children in Sheffield who find themselves homeless due to domestic abuse.
We raised £200 for charity last year – this was donated to the Sheffield Rape and Sexual Abuse Counselling Service (SRASACS) – and we hope that with your help we can beat that total and raise even more this year!
SHWI present SRASACS with £200 made at the 2011 Sheffield Food Festival. (L-R SHWI Treasurer Vicky, Aletheia from SRASACS, SHWI President Lindsay and Secretary Kim)
So, how can you get involved? Everyone loves cake so come along to our stall in the Winter Gardens on 15 or 16 September (or both if you really love cake!). We’d also love it if you could enter our Best in Show competition, it’s all done in the name of fun but there are a few rules which you can find below.
Here’s to a wonderfully successful Sheffield Food Festival 2012.
Seven Hills WI x
Seven Hills WI – Best in Show. Information Rules and Regulations
Jen at last year’s Food Festival
1. Competition Entry
a. All entries must be submitted with a completed entry form. Forms can be downloaded here and emailed prior to competition date or submitted on the day along with product.
b. £1 per entry, payable on arrival with product – all entry money will be donated to Haven House – a registered charity that provides temporary supported accommodation for women and children who find themselves homeless due to domestic abuse.
c. All entries must be bought to the Festival Kitchen, top of Fargate, City Centre on Sunday 16th September between 10.00 – 11.30 hours.
d. All entries must be presented ‘ready to judge’.
2. Entries
a. Victoria Sandwich: cake can be any size (within reason!) All cakes MUST be filled with jam and with a choice of cream and fruit, presented boxed or plated. Entry will be judged on presentation, appearance, suitability and, of course taste, texture and flavour. Points will also be awarded for individual flair and creativity.
b. Jarred Goods:
i. Pickle/Relish/Chutney: presented in a clear glass jar and judged on appearance, suitability, taste, texture and flavour
ii. Jam/preserves/curds: presented in a clear glass jar and judged on appearance, suitability, taste, texture and flavour
3. Judging
a. Judging will take place between 11.30 – 14.30 hours on Sunday 16 September
b. There will be three judges overall; Seven Hills WI will nominate two judges from their members, a third judge will be nominated by Eat Sheffield
c. All judges decisions are final
d. Winners will be announced at 14.40 hours on Sunday 16 September in the Festival Kitchen, top of Fargate, City Centre
e. First, second and third places will all be awarded with Rosettes
f. Any winners not present will receive their rosettes by post within seven days
4. Collection
a. Packaging, boxes etc. may be collected by entrants between 15.00 -16.00 hours.
b. Any items not collected will be disposed of.