After we did bunting making back in 2011 (gosh, was it that long ago?), we came up with the idea to chronicle our activities in the form of bunting triangles. What better way to record the shenanigans of a Women’s Institute than with a bunting archive?
Following this brainwave, our lovely committee made a bunting triangle for each of our meetings in 2012, depicting everything from Bollywood dancing to sexual health. This year, we’ve decided to throw it out there and ask you – our members – if you’d like to add your handiwork to the growing chain. Each meeting, we’ll ask for volunteers to do bunting triangles to represent that month.
Fancy kicking us off with January’s meeting? If so, just let email or let us know at this month’s meeting. All you need is a small amount of fabric, needle, cotton, decorations and a bit of imagination (all we ask is that you put the date of the meeting on the triangle somewhere). Our bunting is made up of isosceles triangles, 10” across the top and 11” down the two sides. Just leave about an extra half an inch at the top for stitching to the bunting tape when we join it to all the others to add your piece of craftwork to our growing history.
But why stop there? Think you’d quite like to have a go for fun? How about a bunting triangle to signify what SHWI means to you? or to depict a particularly enjoyable Supper Club? We’re open to ideas and would love to make this year’s bunting archive bigger and better. If you want to have a go, you don’t need to ask. Just bring it along with you to the next WI meeting and pass it to one of the committee (we’re the ones wearing the rosettes).

If you need a bit of inspiration to get you going, maybe a glimpse of our triangles so far will give you an idea! Here’s Vicky, our treasurer (above), decorating the Winter Gardens with our bunting for our stall at the Sheffield Food Festival 2012, and some of the triangles our members made at our bunting workshop in 2011 are in the photo on the right.
Jennifer SHWI Vice President